The Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement from Insane Labz promises an intense energy boost that lasts for hours, along with improved strength, focus, endurance and alertness.
Does it make good on these claims?
We think so, but keep reading for our in-depth review.

Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout Supplement—Key Takeaways
- The Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement by Insane Labz promises to provide a long-lasting energy boost. While the effects of some pre-workout supplements fade quickly after a mere 30 minutes, Psychotic Pre-Workout powder promises up to three hours of results.
- The proprietary blend includes some but not all of the main pre-workout supplement ingredients we look for and several ingredients that haven’t been studied extensively. A lack of transparency around the dosages of most ingredients makes it difficult to know how much of any one ingredient you are consuming.
- Despite a sticker price that’s on the higher side of the market, regular subscribers can save up to 45% on the supplement, bringing down its cost per dose to an exceptionally affordable amount of less than $1.
Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout Supplement Review Score: 40/50
- Flavor: 9/10
People aren’t drinking pre-workout supplements for the flavor, but as the taste of these athletic performance-boosting powders goes, Psychotic is ranked among the best. Reviewers commonly call the taste of popular flavors of Psychotic Pre-Workout “great” and even “amazing,” noting the lack of unpleasant aftertaste that is common in so many pre-workout powders.
- Value: 8.5/10
If you factor in the potential for discounts available to regular subscribers, Psychotic is one of the most affordable products on the market. Its one-time purchase price point, though, is on the higher end.
- Strength of formula: 8/10
The Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement by Insane Labz is a high-stimulant formulation that contains 400 mg of caffeine. However, because it’s a proprietary blend, there’s not enough transparency to assess the dosages of other ingredients.
- Quality of ingredients: 7.5/10
There are a lot of ingredients in the Psychotic Pre-Workout powder, including branded supplements, that offer potential health benefits. Still, the scientific evidence for several of these ingredients is limited. Some of the ingredients we would like to see—ones that have been more extensively studied—are missing.
- Experience: 7/10
For the users for whom Psychotic works, it works really well. However, inexperienced pre-workout supplement users and those with a low caffeine tolerance may find the supplement too powerful, and those who want more than just caffeine sometimes feel that there’s not enough of the other critical ingredients to achieve the results they want.
What Are the Benefits of Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout Supplement?

The name of this pre-workout powder says it all: not ‘excited,’ not ‘mildly energized,’ but psychotic.
The benefits users should expect from the Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement from Insane Labz include a “substantial” increase in both energy and strength and a boost in endurance that, according to the manufacturer, “keeps going long after your workout has ended.”
This supplement is considered a high-stimulant pre-workout powder. You should expect it to produce marked, noticeable effects—no wishy-washy, “Does it work or doesn’t it?” uncertainty.
When the psychotic energy does begin to wear off, you shouldn’t experience the post-workout “crash” that users report with so many other pre-workout supplements, as Insane Labz markets the supplement as being “no crash formulated.” The product also promises to boost your strength and energy “without the jitters.”
Finally, the pre-workout supplement promises certain cognitive benefits, as well: improved focus, alertness, and reaction time.
Does It Actually Work?
Every person’s body is unique, so users are going to report conflicting experiences with any supplement, including Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout.
Many users say the Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement delivers on the promises it makes. The product is highly rated, both on the manufacturer’s website and on third-party retailers like Amazon, which suggests that the majority of users feel that the product works.
Some users report experiencing hours-long boosts in strength and energy, more than what’s needed for even the most demanding workouts. Others focused instead on the intensity of the experience, referencing the product name in reviews by stating that they “truly felt psychotic” and “this stuff had me wanting to tear the place apart.”
User reviews characterize the product’s effects in a similar vein, describing its effectiveness in terms like “insane” and “scary” and its results as making them feel “like a beast.” Reviewers also praised the purported increase in focus.
Interestingly, users tend to brush off the no-crash formulation claims, although users of other pre-workout powders that make similar promises, like Alani Nu, tend to rave about the product’s effectiveness in preventing the post-workout crash.
Still, some users found the effects of the supplement underwhelming, going so far as to write (of the premium formulation, Psychotic Gold), “Nothing psychotic about it.”
Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout Supplement Formulation
The effectiveness and experience provided by any pre-workout supplement depend on its formulation—the ingredients included and their dosages.
What’s in a Pre-Workout Supplement?
If you’re new to pre-workout supplements or just need a refresher on what makes an effective pre-workout powder, here are the ingredients we look for in the formulation.
- Caffeine. Although non-caffeinated supplements are available for people who need them, caffeine is one of the most important ingredients in a conventional pre-workout formulation. We look for a dose of 200 to 400 mg to give you an optimal boost of energy to get through tough workouts.
- L-Citrulline. Known for its ability to improve blood flow to resupply muscles, the best pre-workout powders we have used include the non-essential amino acid L-Citrulline. Ideally, the formula of a pre-workout supplement will include between 6 and 8 grams of pure L-Citrulline. A formula that instead uses Citrulline Malate is a blend, of which pure L-Citrulline often makes up just two-thirds of the total dosage.
- Beta-Alanine. The non-essential amino acid beta-alanine helps boost muscular endurance and lower your perception of fatigue, so nothing will stop you from giving your workout your all. We like to see 2 to 5 grams of beta-alanine in a pre-workout powder.
These three ingredients are the most common components of pre-workout supplements because they are some of the most extensively studied—and found to be effective—ingredients for better workout performance.
There are plenty of other ingredients that make up the individual formulations of different pre-workout supplements. B vitamins, glucose (sugar), and other types of amino acids are particularly popular, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Our favorite additional ingredients found in pre-workout formulations include:
- Creatine: An amino acid that can help you grow muscles, boost strength, and achieve a better body composition
- Nitrates: Compounds made of nitrogen and oxygen that can improve blood flow and are typically derived from red spinach or beet root
Every pre-workout powder has its own unique formulation. Now let’s see what ingredients make up Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement—and how it stacks up to other brands’ formulations.
Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout Supplement Ingredients
Our biggest problem with the Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement formulation is the lack of transparency. While most of the best pre-workout powders on the market break down their formulation to tell you precisely how much of each ingredient you’ll find in a dose, the label for Psychotic describes only a proprietary “PSYCHOTIC BLEND” of 4,459mg.
The proprietary blend includes many of the ingredients we look for in our favorite pre-workout supplements, including Caffeine Anhydrous, Beta Alanine, and Creatine Monohydrate. The problem is that users don’t know how much of these ingredients they’re taking. That makes it difficult to compare their dosages to that found in other pre-workouts.
In addition to the ingredients listed above, the proprietary formulation includes the following:
- AMPiberry: a stimulant compound derived from the Juniperus Communis berry that may help enhance the effects of caffeine and other stimulants. Juniper berries themselves offer a variety of health benefits, according to Healthline, but this supplement compound is still relatively new, only hitting the market within the last few years. As such, research on its benefits and effectiveness in pre-workout supplements is still limited. Still, more of these products (including REDCON TOTAL WAR Pre-Workout supplement) are starting to include juniper berry extract in their formulations.
- OxyGold: A branded fulvic acid supplement, OxyGold is “one of the most talked about ingredients” in Insane Labz products, according to a video produced by the company. The benefits attributed to the product by Insane Labz include improved nutrient uptake. However, the scientific evidence for fulvic acid’s effectiveness—not just as part of a pre-workout formulation but also for treating allergies, eczema, Alzheimer’s disease, and cancer—is limited, according to WebMD.
- DMAE: The compound dimethylethanolamine, more commonly referred to as DMAE, is naturally produced in the body. As a supplement, the ingredient is thought to offer potential benefits like improving brain function, memory, mood, and—most relevant in a pre-workout supplement formulation—athletic performance, according to Healthline. However, Healthline also notes that more research is needed to scientifically prove the effectiveness of the ingredient.
- Rauwolfia Vomitoria Extract: The rauwolfia vomitoria extract included in Insane Labz’s Psychotic Pre-Workout formulation is derived from rootbark of the shrub found in West Africa and includes a minimum of 90% alpha yohimbine. According to WebMD, although the extract is used to boost athletic performance, “there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.”
- Huperzine A: Huperzine Serrata Standardized Extract, derived from whole aerial plants, is intended to improve the user’s alertness and reaction time. WebMD notes that the ingredient has been shown to raise levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which “seems to help treat” conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease that affect the sufferer’s thinking and memory, although WebMD doesn’t assess the ingredient’s effectiveness as a pre-workout supplement specifically.
The only ingredient in this proprietary blend for which Insane Labz provides transparent dosage information is caffeine. With 400 mg of caffeine, this supplement is on the high end of the caffeine dosage we like to see in a pre-workout supplement.
Listed as “other ingredients” on the label of Insane Labz’s Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement are the following:
- Citric acid
- Natural and artificial flavoring
- Silica
- Sucralose
- Calcium Silicate
- Acesulfame potassium
- FD&C Red #40
What Ingredients Are Missing From (Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout Supplement?
Ultimately, we find both pros and cons in the formulation of the Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement.
The most glaring omission from the proprietary Psychotic formulation is L-Citrulline. The pre-workout powder doesn’t even contain the less potent hybrid, Citrulline Malate, as many other pre-workout formulations do.
We would like to see this ingredient included to help resupply blood to the muscles, especially since the hours-long energy boost the product provides makes it likely that users are undertaking lengthy workouts.
If you want L-Citrulline, you need to upgrade to the more expensive Psychotic Gold formulation. That may not be a dealbreaker for many users, who may be willing to either skip this ingredient entirely or pay a little more for the Gold formulation.
Still, it’s worth noting that most other pre-workout powders on the market include L-Citrulline or at least Citrulline Malate in their regular formulation, not only upgraded premium formulations.
We would also like to see beet root extract, red spinach extract, or another source of nitrates in Psychotic Pre-Workout powder. These ingredients, too, can improve blood flow (based on scientific evidence).
In spite of these omissions, there’s a lot to like about the formulation of the Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement. We like that it includes creatine, especially since many brands instead sell creatine as a separate supplement.
The high caffeine content makes the supplement effective (at least for those who can handle so much caffeine). The product does contain beta-alanine, although we would like more information about how much of it you’re consuming in one dose.
Who’s It For?
Because it aims to boost energy, strength, focus, and endurance, Psychotic isn’t applicable to only certain kinds of athletes or exercisers.
Still, some users may gain more from the supplement than others.
Who Should Use Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout Supplement?
The hours-long pump promised by Insane Labz makes this pre-workout powder best for those undertaking a longer workout.
If you’re looking for something to get you through an exercise routine of a shorter duration, Psychotic may be overkill.
Similarly, if you’re new to pre-workout supplements, the formulation of this one—particularly the high caffeine content—may be a bit much. Consider starting with a lower-dose pre-workout powder and trying this one when you are more experienced.
Because the long-lasting supplement shouldn’t be taken within four hours of bedtime, it’s best suited to users exercising early: in the morning, lunchtime, or early afternoon. If your routine involves hitting the gym after work, you should do the math to make sure you won’t be still too pumped up to sleep by the time you go to bed.
Who Shouldn’t Use Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout Supplement?
You shouldn’t use Insane Labz’s Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement if you are a minor (under age 18).
It’s always recommended to speak to your doctor when starting any new supplement, especially if you fit into any of the following categories:
- Pregnant or breastfeeding
- Diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, epilepsy, cardiac arrhythmia, glaucoma, recurrent headaches, enlarged prostate, difficulty urinating, or a psychiatric disorder
- Taking medications such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antidepressants, MAOI inhibitors, or over-the-counter or prescription medications containing stimulants, such as pseudoephedrine
- Planning to undergo surgery in the next two weeks
While using Psychotic, you should avoid consuming caffeine from any other sources, including coffee, soda, and tea—even though, paradoxically, those who don’t regularly consume caffeine may find that the caffeine contained in a full dose of the supplement is too much for their tolerance level.
Even if you generally have a high tolerance for caffeine and you are forgoing other forms of caffeine, don’t take more than the recommended dosage. Don’t use the product for longer than eight weeks at a time.
Users who experience certain side effects should stop using Psychotic.
Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout Supplement Flavor Review: How Does It Taste?
The Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement comes in more than a dozen flavors, counting limited edition varieties. Most of these flavors fit into your typical taste profiles, although the title of one new flavor will give most people pause.
- Apple
- Blue Raspberry
- Blueberry Lemonade (limited edition)
- Cotton Candy
- Fruit Punch
- Grape
- Gummy Candy
- Hawaiian Orange
- Peach Mango
- Snow Cone
- Sour Cherry Colada
- Watermelon
- Zombie Piss
Most users enjoy the taste of the Psychotic line of pre-workout powder. Insane Labz doesn’t shy away from tooting its own horn, proclaiming on its website that “Psychotic has the best tasting flavors of any pre-workout and it’s really not close.” While you can’t please everyone, the majority of the supplement’s users tend to agree.
According to customer reviews, the best flavor of Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement appears to be Gummy Candy, followed by Cotton Candy.
While some naysayers described the taste as overly sweet and others expressed a wish for more sugar, most reviewers had primarily positive things to say about the taste—as pre-workout powders go, that is.
Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout Supplement Price and Buying Options
If you buy the supplement directly from the manufacturer, Insane Labz, you will pay a regular purchase price of $59.95 for 35 servings for the Psychotic pre-workout supplement or $64.95 for the Psychogic Gold version of the product. Regular users can save a whopping 45% by subscribing, dropping the price point down to around $32.97 for Psychotic and $35.72 for Psychotic Gold.
If you’re buying on Amazon, you’ll find a regular purchase price of $35.99 for the Psychotic pre-workout powder and $40.49 for the Psychotic Gold supplement. Purchasers also have the option to Subscribe & Save for an additional discount of up to 15%.
The original costs per dose for Insane Labz pre-workout supplements are around $1.71 for Psychotic and $1.86 for Psychotic Gold. Purchasing from Amazon (assuming no Subscribe & Save discount) will get you a cost per dose of $1.02 for Psychotic and $1.15 for Psychotic Gold. Subscribers who purchase through the Insane Labz website will pay a cost per dose of just $0.94 for Psychotic and $1.02 for Psychotic Gold.
Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout may appear to hover at a higher price point than competitors at first glance, but two factors make this supplement a better value than you might initially expect.
- One package of Psychotic contains more servings than the typical 30-dose jar of pre-workout powder. Sure it’s “only” five additional servings per container, but that amounts to over 15% more product. With routine use over time, those extra doses really add up.
- The enormous discounts available to subscribers drop the price of one package of Psychotic pre-workout formula to the $1 per dose mark—or even below that range.
*Prices listed above are accurate as of October 2022.
What Are the Side Effects of Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout Supplement?
All pre-workout supplements have the potential to cause some side effects. Often, these side effects are mild, minor, harmless, and temporary. However, if you experience any severe or long-lasting side effects, you should consult with your doctor.
Among the side effects that have been reported with the Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement are:
- Tingling (from the beta-alanine)
- Rapid heartbeat
- Headaches, which may be severe
- Shortness of breath
- Dizziness
- Upset stomach
- Sudden bowel movements
- Excessive sweating
- Anxiety or jitters
- Trouble sleeping, especially if taken four hours or less before bed
Generally, the side effects most commonly reported with the Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement are similar to other pre-workout powders.
The tingling sensation that can accompany Beta-Alanine was reported less commonly with Psychotic than with other pre-workout supplements. However, due to the high dose of caffeine, users may be more likely to experience related side effects, such as rapid heartbeat.
Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout Supplement Pros and Cons
- The majority of users report a noticeable increase in “pump,” allowing them to train harder and get better results.
- Because the pre-workout powder is formulated to last for hours, it’s an excellent choice for users who find that the effects of their regular pre-workout supplements fade before their workout is over.
- A deep discount available to subscribers slashes the cost per dose of this product to a very affordable price point.
- As a proprietary blend, Insane Labz’s Psychotic Pre-Workout supplement doesn’t offer the kind of transparency we would like to see regarding its formulation. This makes it difficult to know how much of any ingredient (other than caffeine) you’re actually consuming, as well as to compare it to other pre-workout powders on the market.
- The high-caffeine dose isn’t suitable for all users, especially inexperienced ones, yet some users feel the dosages of other ingredients aren’t high enough to add much of a benefit.
- The extra ingredients that haven’t been extensively studied don’t make up for the missing ingredients like L-Citrulline that we would like to see, at least from our perspective.
There’s good and bad in the Psychotic Pre-Workout powder produced by Insane Labz, just as in any other pre-workout supplement.
We like Psychotic for experienced supplement users who need an energy boost that will get them through a long workout, but we wish the manufacturer was more transparent about the formulation, and we miss some key ingredients.